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Motherhood with Director, Ruth Bewsey

 Running a business and being a Mum is no easy feat but some how our Brand Director, Ruth Bewsey makes it look effortless and with a smile on her face (even if she’s had a sleepless night!).

We caught up with Ruth to talk about being a Mum, what Mother’s Day means to her, how she juggles her work life balance and is it possible to have it all? Of course it is!

Hi Ruth! Tell us about your first memory of Mother’s Day?

I remember I used to go out to the garden and pick flowers (usually daisies actually!) and put them in a tiny vase. Breakfast in bed always felt like the biggest gift, like they did in the movies, so I’d make a little tray up and try and make marmalade on toast look as snazzy as possible with my older brothers & sister.

What do you usually gift your Mum for Mother’s Day?

Yellow freesia’s, every year. I remember my Dad telling me they were her favourite flower and this has stuck. Probably because my Dad told me this a few years after they had separated, so it made me smile thinking back to how he used to know those sorts of things about her.

Now that you’re a mother yourself, has this changed how you feel about Mother’s Day?

I think it might as Willow get’s older, but as she is still so little (16 months) and the day has no meaning to her whatsoever, it’s another day just to play silly games and love each other. I suppose I’m quite excited to get flowers bought for me from “Willow”. It’s always nice to feel appreciated and right now that comes from Willow’s Daddy.

What’s your relationship like with your own Mum, how has your relationship evolved over the years and what have you learnt from her?

When I was little she was my absolute hero – I just wanted to cuddle her and be with her all the time. She radiates love and has the best & biggest smile in the world. Naturally through teenage years while I found other people to hang out with our relationship changed a little and I’d keep secrets and probably get up to mischief! I distinctly remember our relationship evolving when I was about 16. She had slipped a disc in her back so was bed bound for 6 weeks, so I used to just sit and talk at her for hours and she couldn’t escape! I think that opened up a whole new level of communication & friendship.

My mum is always willing and ready to do anything for anyone, and I hope I’ve learnt that from her. She has always put me and my brothers & sisters first and even though there have been some tricky stages in our lives together, she has always been, and will always be my safe and happy place. I hope I’m able to give all of that to my children.

We’re all obsessed with you’re daughter Willow here at Daisy, she is just too cute for words. What’s the best bit about being a Mum?

I’m pretty obsessed too! I don’t know if there’s only single thing. I love watching her mind work and how she explores things. I love getting home from work and seeing her little excited face and her arms reaching out for me, knowing that she is so chuffed to have me home. Getting a really hearty giggle from her is addictive too!

How do you juggle being a Mum and running Daisy London? Is it hard to get that work life balance?

It can be, and when I’m tired I do struggle, but don’t we all. We’ve just taken things as they come and figured it out as we go along. Willow’s Daddy stays at home to look after her and they have loads of fun, which means I can really enjoy my days at Daisy. It helps that I absolutely love my job too! I work 4 long days in the office, and then keep on top of things over a long weekend together while she naps, which at the moment is working really well. I’m expecting baby number 2 right now, so ask me next year if I’m still this calm about things…!

What Daisy pieces are you currently wearing most days?

I always wear my snake chain bracelet from the Estée Lalonde collection, alongside a diamond chakra bracelet which is about 4 years old. I love my rings so most fingers have at least one ring on from both our Stacked collection and Estée’s designs. I love stacking up the earrings & necklaces, and mix those up quite a lot depending on how I feel. The jewellery may all have to come off if I experience the same level of swelling with this pregnancy!

What does jewellery mean to you?

For me it’s a little reminder. I look down and remember the design process, the conversations around the pieces and why we decided to launch it. It’s a little journey. I also have other pieces of jewellery that I have bought from around the world that remind me of that particular adventure and pieces that have been given to me over the years that remind me of a particular person.

I love how jewellery can completely change an outfit. I wear a lot of black, so layering my jewellery and adding a red lip can instantly make a relatively boring outfit a fun one.

In need of some inspiration? With Mother’s Day approaching, we once again consider how we can ever begin to repay a lifetime of love and guidance. That’s where we step in to help with our selection of meaningful jewellery to make it a ‘thank you’ she’ll remember.
