My Bag

Daisy Muse | Sophia Rosemary

Meet the beautiful and incredibly lovely Sophia, a fashion and lifestyle blogger from Manchester. She caught our eyes a couple of years back and the rest is history. We chatted to Sophia who has been wearing our new Elsewhere Collection for our Halo Necklaces to find out what coins she chose and what drew her to the collection.

What do you like most about The Elsewhere collection of Halo coins? 

I love sentimental jewellery with a story behind it and that’s what’s so great about the Halo coins. Each coin has it’s own little meaning which is completely subjective depending on the person. I love the fact you can change the coins so it’s always personal to you. The collection itself has the old worldly feel to it that I love, it could easily be mistaken for a vintage treasure you found on your travels or in my grandmother’s jewellery box.

What drew you to the two coins you wear? 

I’ve got a real affinity to anything with a star design and I loved the subtle spinning constellation, it’s only when you get up close to it that you can really define the design. As the collection is based around endless possibilities I felt like nothing is more infinite than the stars and who you think about dreaming big, inevitably you conjure up images of reaching for the stars. That makes me smile.

I’ve always loved St Christopher coins and the message behind them. I love travelling and discovering new places but when all is said and done I’m a real home bird. St Christopher is a symbol of protection to travellers and gives me that real sense of security I equally feel about home. It’s nice to have a sense that’s someone is always watching out for you whether that’s your mum, boyfriend or a little trinket around your neck.

How would you describe your style to us?

First and foremost, I’m heavily inspired to vintage style. I was obsessed with the sixties as a teenage and emerged myself in the culture of this era. From bands, to photography, to films! I loved the aesthetic of the sixties and subsequently this had such a huge influence on my style. I think as I’ve got older I’ve learnt to incorporate vintage into my wardrobe in a more subtle and wearable way. I love to dress comfortable and can often be seen in quite boyish looks, I think this is when I feel the most “me”! I love classic dressing and my go to look would always be a pair of stone washed jeans and striped tee. I love the idea of timeless style and there are pieces in my wardrobe I’ve had for absolute years which I still love now – the styling of these items may be changed to be more relevant but that’s a sign of a great time testing item.

Current favourite outfit?

I recently found a pair of seventies cord overalls whilst out vintage shopping. They are one of those perfect items I’m always on the hunt for and they fit me like they were made for me. It’s one of those glorious vintage shopping moments when you feel a little giddy because you just can’t believe your luck!

Is travel important to you?

Super important! I think it’s so important to discover the world out there whether it’s travelling to a city in the UK or half way around the world. I think it’s a great way to put yourself out of your comfort zone. Discovering new cultures is the best method to broaden your mind and inevitably it also gives you a strong sense of home. No matter where I am in the world, there will always be that little part of me which just can’t wait to be back home in my pjs with my cat!

Where did you visit last?

I recently went to Lisbon and loved it. Earlier this year I wrote out a bucket list of things I wanted to do before I’m forty (FYI I’m 29 right now) and Lisbon was right at the top of my agenda. It was such a beautiful city absolutely immersed in culture. I loved the vibe and weirdly I felt like it had lots of little elements which reminded me of other cities mixed together. I’m already desperate to go back.

Where is your home away from home?

Rome is my all time favourite place and I’ve visited countless times for just that reason. It’s one of those places I keep going back to and instantly feel so happy. It definitely owns a piece of my heart and whenever I have to leave I get the blues so badly.

Any adventures planned for the Summer?

You know I think apart from my Lisbon trip, this summer is a little more chilled than normal! Usually I’ve got several festivals lined up but again I’ve taken it easy this year. That said we’re just in the process of buying our first home so I guess that’s an adventure in itself!!

Tell us something about you not many know?

Oh there’s lots of little facts I guess… I’m half Italian on my Dads side but I unfortunately haven’t inherited his cooking skills! I am however a keen baker or at least I was… I can never find the time these days!
