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How To | Care For And Store Your Jewellery

Daisy pieces are made to be worn and loved for years to come. But in order for the sparkle to last forever, it's important to care and store your jewellery properly. Don't worry, we have you covered with a few of our top tips to keep your jewellery looking good as new.

Our Top Tips For Taking Care Of Your Jewellery...

Tip 1: We know an outfit is not complete without a little (or a lot) of jewellery and a spritz of Chanel Number 5. However, perfumes and other chemicals can tarnish your jewellery over time. Of course you still want to smell fresh and add some jewellery to your look, so we recommend to first spray yourself with perfume, wait a few minutes for it to dry and then layer up your jewellery.

Tip 2: As much as we all still want to look stylish while working out, it’s best to just stick to cute gym sets and leave your jewellery at home. Sweat has the same effect as perfume and can tarnish your beloved jewellery. Next time you go to Saturday morning spin, make sure to leave your chains and stacking rings behind.

Tip 3: To keep your jewellery looking as good as the day you bought it, be sure to deep clean your pieces every few months. Remember - being gentle is key! We recommend either using a microfiber or a special jewellery cleaning cloth. For gold jewellery carefully shine your pieces with a dry cloth. Alternatively, your silver jewellery can be gently cleaned with a soft toothbrush and warm soapy water, then dried with a cloth.

Tip 4: Where your jewellery sits when you're not wearing it is just as important as when you're wearing it. It’s best to store your favourite pieces in a clean dry place, such as a jewellery box or a fabric lined case. The fabric pouch your Daisy jewellery comes in is the perfect place to store your jewellery and will help keep it looking as good as new for longer.

Tip 5: We are the biggest advocates for mixing metals however, when you're storing your jewellery make sure to keep your gold and silver pieces separately. As gold is a softer metal it can be easily scratched and damaged which is why it should be stored separately from any silver pieces you own. However, don't worry mixing metals in your everyday jewellery look won't cause any harm!

Tip 6: We all need a break every once in a while and so does your jewellery. Taking your pieces off at night and when you shower or wash your hands will help to ensure your favourite jewellery is kept looking shiny and beautiful.

Now you have our top tips for taking care of your favourite jewellery, it's time to explore some of our favourite pieces. Check out our edit of Bestsellers for a little jewellery inspiration.
