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International Women's Day | Celebrating Our Daisy Heroines

At Daisy, every day is Women's Day. No really. We're a brand made by women, for women: championing them is at the forefront of what we do. And this year, we wanted to show our support by donating £5 from every order we receive to Wish, a charity helping women with mental health needs in hospitals, prisons, and across the community. If ever there has been a year in which our mental health has come under strain, it’s been this one.

But what does International Women's Day mean to us at Daisy? Well, it's about loving each other and ourselves. Embracing our femininity and our bodies in all their forms. Through our designs and our ethos, we encourage women to feel comfortable in their own skin. To love themselves, unapologetically. From body positivity advocates like Jameela Jamil and Celeste Barbar to the Jacinda Adern's and Kamala Harris' of this world, it comes as no surprise that there are some phenomenal women out there. So, ahead of International Women’s Day, we thought we'd turn to the wonderful women at Daisy, the ones who make it all possible and ask them to champion their own heroines

"Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them."

- Unknown

Emily, Graphic Designer: My heroine is my big sister. She's the ultimate girl boss and the first person I go to for advice, be it career, friendship, even skincare. I'd be lost without her guidance.

Ruth, Creative Director: My heroines are all the women I am close to in my life. Some of them are there when I need a soundboard and know when all that is needed is just to listen. Some challenge me, opening my mind to different ways of thinking and self-reflection. Others are my biggest cheerleaders, piping up from the sidelines with words of encouragement and motivation. How lost I would be without these women around me!

Mia, Operations Assistant: I have three types of heroine. Women in leadership and positions of power (like I'd hope to be one day!), but also women who somehow, through it all, seem so at peace with themselves and the world around them. And then, the woman whose struggles I've seen first-hand, with her incredible ability to just carry on as a single parent, learning English along the way, and not let anything defeat her. My Mum.

Shelley, Social Media and Communications: Both my mum and Nan are key workers so they deserve all the love and celebration this year!

Connie, Customer Service: The first black woman to earn a PhD in Zoology and be published in the prestigious journal "Science", Roger Arliner Young. She’s been quoted as saying, "Not failure, but low aim is a crime", as she worked tirelessly against a racist and sexist system. A quote to live by if ever there were one!

Beth, Head of Operations: This year I’d like to hero one of our own, a woman who has such a special place in all of our hearts at Daisy, designer Jo. 2021 has been a tough one for us all, but for Jo, it has entailed being a full-time teacher, part-time tennis coach, working on all things Daisy, and a house move. All without complaint, whilst having another little one on the way. A true icon.

Charlotte, Marketing Executive: My go-to-gal is Audrey Hepburn. When I first watched Breakfast at Tiffany's, I was amazed by her style and beauty. She also had a few rough times but was such a strong lady.

Sally, Marketing Director: Two of my biggest inspirations are my Nan and late Grandmother. Although very different people, they both shared the same no-nonsense approach to life, a wicked sense of humour and an ability to find joy in the small things, which I think are things we could all do with now more than ever. I hope to follow in their footsteps.

Meg, Marketing Manager: My sister, my heart. My mum, my strength. My niece, my hope. My cousin, my joy. My friends, my drive. In short, my heroines are the women who surround me every day. The women who get me through, keep every part of me ticking along and will never fail to make me laugh.

Winnie, Operations Assistant: A hero of mine, is my friend Hannah who has been working on the NHS front line for the whole of the pandemic. She spends 5-6 days per week doing 9+ hour shifts on Covid wards, helping to ease the pain of those who are suffering, all whilst risking her own health. She does this without complaint and is a genuine saint.

But most of all this year, we wanted to pay a huge shout out to all front line and key workers. Thank you! It’s no secret women do more than the lion’s share of the work, and that’s been highlighted more than ever during the last year. Mums homeschooling whilst also holding down a full-time job. Nurses putting their own health and safety at risk and pulling crazy hour shifts. Checkout assistants, teachers, carers: the list goes on. Thank you to all of you for keeping things going.

So, to borrow from the great Maya Angelou: to all the phenomenal women out there, keep being a woman, phenomenally.
