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8 Things To Do This Bank Holiday Weekend

Some ideas for the Easter Bank Holiday Weekend, when you can't travel...

The end of lockdown is so close we can almost taste it. We're just one weekend away from things beginning to ease up a little; it just so happens that weekend is Easter. If you'd usually spend it with the entire family squeezed around the dining table, eating copious amounts of food and chocolate or skipping town for a long weekend away, fear not. Daisy has come up with some ideas to make this weekend just as special.

Get cooking

If you can't spend the weekend with your family, call up the household head chef and get their lamb roast with all the trimmings recipe to recreate at home. Not satisfied with that? Why not try baking your own hot cross buns, or if that sounds a little laborious, you can't go wrong with Mini Egg chocolate nests.

Or, if you're more of a food connoisseur than a cook, check out some of the best Easter Weekend Meal Kit options. We love the look of The Blacklock's Lamb Roast for two or if you really want to push the boat out, Rick Stein’s Easter Celebration Menu.

Go on another walk

Yes, we know we've all walked more in the last year than we have in our lives, but a long walk is something of an Easter weekend tradition (how else to burn off all those Easter eggs). Rather than plodding your usual route, why not make an outing of it and book a slot at your nearest National Trust property.

Organise an Easter Egg hunt

If you've got kids, great! If not, still great. You're never really too old for an Easter Egg hunt. Why not buy a specific brand or colour for your housemate(s) or partner, and hide them around the garden or house for each other to find.

Get all Carol Smiley on your home and redecorate a room

Easter weekend is a great time to get all those niggly DIY jobs done. If you want to make things a bit more fun, try redecorating an entire room. We challenge you to do it in four days – and don't forget to take 'Before' and 'After' shots.

Make an Easter bouquet

You only need to take one look outside to see that Easter is all about new life and flowers in bloom. If you live in the countryside, why not pick your own wildflower bouquet. Right now, you'll find snowdrops, bluebells, daffodils, crocuses, and even a few daisies beginning to pop up. If you're in a town, you might need to make do with shop-bought flowers, but you can still mix-and-match to create a handmade bouquet!

Get crafting or start an art project

There's no better time to start an art project than a long weekend. Look to nature and paint the flowers (or even a still life of your recently completed Easter bouquet). Haven't got a canvas or not much of an artist? Paint on eggs! For a bit of fun, try creating egg portraits of your family members – especially if you can't spend it with them. They might not be the most flattering portrayal, but we're sure they'll still love you for it.

Explore a part of your neighbourhood you don't know.

Another great way to feel like you're on a minibreak? Explore a neighbourhood nearby that you're not familiar with. Get on TripAdvisor and see what's good. Ok, a lot of it might be closed right now, but you can pick out a quirky coffee shop or park that you've not been to before.

Do a digital detox

Want to try creating that holiday feeling when all your worries are a world away? Well, there's no better way to completely switch off than by completely switching off. Create an at-home sanctuary by going offline for 48 hours or more. That means phones, laptops, and if you want, TVs too. Schedule in activities that don't require tech (like all of the above!) or create your very own retreat: morning yoga, a DIY facial, a long hot bath with candles. You'd be amazed at how much time you can reclaim when you're not at the mercy of your phone. Just be sure to let your friends and family know, and wish them a Happy Easter beforehand, so they don't think you're blanking them!

We hope these Easter Bank Holiday weekend ideas help a little. Of course, it's not the same as spending it with your loved ones, but we think you can still find some joy in the long weekend with a few of these. Or at the very least, eating your bodyweight in Easter eggs.

With love,

Daisy x
